>I do not believe anyone can see the difference on a 27-32 inch job.

Wanna bet? We all know a guy who could.

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "graywolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The cause of the controversy

> HO! HO! HO! Merry Christmas, Eveyone!
> Actually the picture is pretty good, Cotty, now that I have it adjusted. 
> One of the things that has not been thought of is that a 27in analog TV 
> viewed from across the room has pretty good resolution. Viewed up close 
> the new HD stuff is better, but from across the room? I do not believe 
> anyone can see the difference on a 27-32 inch job. At least, standing 
> back 10-12 feet from the display sets at Wal-Mart, I can not.
> Cotty wrote:
>> On 19/12/06, graywolf, discombobulated, unleashed:
>>> http://www.graywolfphoto.com/digital/TV.html
>> The picture's terrible! That looks like a National Geographic
>> documentary about some guy shooting living rooms, but the contrast is so
>> bad on the screen it's difficult to tell. I reckon you need a new TV
>> Graywolf. Apparently the HDTV system is much better anf comes highly
>> recommended, and if you don't agree you're WRONG WRONG WRONG!
> -- 
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