> .MP3 is the file extension for an MPEG-3 file. It is the compressed file
> all the kids are using on their IPOD type devices. Really lossy, the
> sound is really compressed too, but it does make a movie downloadable.
> Means something like Motion Picture Electronic Graphic file. It is the
> audio/video equivalent of a JPEG file. OK if you don't much care about
> the sound quality. Maybe the best thing about it is you can download a
> lot of oldies-but-goodies using it. I have been downloading a lot of
> MP3's of radio shows from 1935 to 1955. Lately, I have been using my
> laptop as a MP3 server for the stereo system.
        It's not intrinsically REALLY lossy.  As with anything like that 
(MPEG, JPEG, etc), there are tradeoffs to be made when compressed.  Lots 
of encoders and people apply too much compression and then they sound 
pretty crappy.  If done well, they sound pretty good, and can still 
compress 5:1 or more.



* Cory Papenfuss, Ph.D., PPSEL-IA                                       *
* Electrical Engineering                                                *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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