Since it's past midnight GMT...

---------------- 2006 ------------------------

"Well, the first thing we need to do is panic."
 - Doug Brewer

"Battery is charging! Rejoice, rejoice!"
 - Ken Takeshita

"I'm pretty close to Cotty's height when I have my ears on."
 - Frank Theriault

"Now, let me tell you how flawed you are..."
 - Norm Baugher

"My glasses are clean but my mind isn't."
 - Annsan

"Personally, I think a gorilla should cost a lot more than 800 pounds, 
but that's eBay for you."
 - Bob Walkden

"Have you considered the joys of snakeskin?"
 - Frank Theriault

"I *do* know a Hippo's bum when I see one."
 - Mike Wilson

"Photography isn't necessarily about making an exact 2 dimensional 
duplicate of what was in front of the camera."
 - Bill Robb

"I was too excited to read the fine print"
 - Cory Papenfuss

"The amusing flame wars here are well worth pressing a little green 
button every now and then."
 - Juan Buhler

"I'm not a fondler. I'm a photographer." 
 - Paul Stenquist

 - Traditional

"Was your dog in danger when you bought the DS?"
 - Shel Belinkoff

"The (aperture simulator is) now a vestige of the evolution of this 
mount. Pretty much like the human appendix, it's there and can 
sometimes cause inflammation (like the aperture simulator periodically 
does on this list).
 - Gonz

"A great lens feel is nice, but a superb rendering is better."
 - Paul Stenquist

"Complicated cameras are often made for people who believe they can buy 
'skills' they don't have themselves :-)"
 - Jens Bladt

"It's Santa photos fer Gawds sake, it ain't high art."
 - Bill Robb

"Killfiles work miracles, not wimps"
 - Kostas Kavoussanakis

"Maybe phones don't take great pix, but Holgas make worse phones."
 - Frank Theriault

"Gawd, will I be happy to not have to type those asterisks*****."
 - Paul Stenquist

"The more you know, the better your results."
 - Shel Belinkoff

"I think I'll check to see if I've used up this year's quota of commas."
 - Doug Brewer

"That's what happens when you write an English posting while you're 
sitting in Germany and listening to French radio."
 - Ralf R. Radermacher

"An axiom is that no matter how well a digital camera performs, people 
will complain about noise. Corollary to that axiom is the fact that all 
digital cameras do have noise."
 - Godfrey DiGiorgi

"You can define things any way you like. This doesn't imply that your 
definition is correct."
 - Bill Robb

"It's sometimes quite handy to have a second-grader around the house."
 - Doug Brewer

"I'm skimming all of these posts and still have no idea what the hell 
an aperture simulator is. I guess it can't be too important if I never 
knew I needed it."
 - "J and K Messervy"

Adam Maas: "I'm just wondering what the heck Ingorant means"
Mark Roberts: "It's a large black seabird related to the cormorant."

Paul Stenquist: "Tell me, Bill. How do you always manage to say what 
the rest of us are thinking?"
Bill Robb: "Tourette Syndrome."

"I feel so...dirty."
 - D. Glenn Arthur (Re: Purchasing a *digital* SLR)

"You have a French name. That makes you a gourmet."
 - Bob Walkden

"Is it just me, or does it seem like a bad idea to make a decision on a 
camera system based on a single consumer-zoom lens?"
 - Mat Maessen

"Canon aren't exactly going broke making some of the worst entry-level 
DSLRs available, and selling them by the truckload to people who don't 
know any better."
 - John Francis

"I have a lot of opinions. Some of them *must* be wrong."
 - Rich Tietjens (A friend who's not on PDML but deserves to be quoted 

"I found the LA water to be awful, but then I was drinking it straight 
 - Shel Belinkoff

"It's a good thing that Pentax doesn't offer new flagship cameras too 
often. This way even I can - kinda - keep up!"
 - Jens Bladt

"My interpretation is typographically correct, although perhaps unduly 
 - Bertil Holmberg

"You're not kicking me when I'm down, you're just kicking me."
 - Frank Theriault

"I once saw Frans Lanting in Mike's eyebrows."
 - Bob Walkden

"No camera I've owned has been perfect."
 - Godfrey DiGiorgi

"Complaints about problems which exist only in speculation is really 
 - Godfrey DiGiorgi

"My istD used to take 6MP photos in 2004. Now it is down to 1600x1200, 
and that's only when I shoot cats and flowers. Also, it takes Canon 
lenses now. I better upgrade before it gets even worse."
  - Juan Buhler

"I've never camped alone before as a woman, or as a man either :-)"
 - Marnie aka Doe

"Having more than one lens enables you to have the wrong lens mounted 
at any given time."
 - Doug Brewer

"He looks like his emails."
 - Annsan (Don't remember who she was writing about, but does it really 

"My favourite photographic accessory for shooting aggressive and lethal 
wild animals is a helicopter.
 - John Forbes

"It has the flare resistance of a 1970's Led Zeppelin groupie."
 - Mike Wilson (though which third-party lens he was referring to is 
long forgotten...)

"It's a DATA POINT, for Pete's sake, not something chiseled in granite!"
 - Keith W

"Specifications are cheap to produce."
 - Bill Robb

"And naturally, if you are going to quote someone, better me than 
 - Marnie aka Doe

"I tend to eschew the whole street photography thing in the same way I 
eschew jazz music. I don't get it, and I don't really feel the need to, 
 - Bill Robb

"Right now Magic Hour is about 8:30 to 9:30 in Yorkshire. I am told 
there's another one in the morning, but so long as there is a Snooze 
button, I have no chance of ever seeing it."
 - Jim Kerslake

"Why would I want a new lens? My digicam has a 12X digital zoom on it 
AND it records video!"
 - Russell Kerstetter

"Exposure is much more than a reading from a meter. It's an intelligent 
decision that the photographer must be prepared to make."
 - Paul Stenquist

"Why would I take photos of people when I already know what they look 
 - Amita Guha

"Wives are allowed to arrange furniture, but they are never permitted 
to have any control over the purchase, placement or operation of 
high-tech toys."
 - Paul Stenquist

"Maybe that's what the fellow on eBay was talking about, but more 
likely he just doesn't know what he is talking about."
 - Bob Shell

"I like hubris too, it's really good with flat bread."
 - Norm Baugher

"If pictures were brownies, a raw file would be like a grocery sack 
containing a brownie mix, eggs, water and oil. Within some limits, you 
can vary the ingredients and the baking time to make the brownies just 
the way you like them. JPEG file are more like coming home from the 
bakery with a box of brownies. Hope you like them, 'cause they're 
already cooked."
 - George Sinos

"I do mental shots all the time."
 - Marnie AKA Doe

"The best ones are always out of context"
 - Cotty

You know things are getting bad when the quotes list becomes self 
 - P. J. Alling

"Some years ago, I decided that it was just as important to see a 
photograph as it was to shoot one. I think when I decided that, I 
started churning out better photographs too."
 - Bill Robb

"Frank and I wondered what we had done, other than set a low standard 
that was easy to exceed."
 - Cesar Abdul Matamoros II

"The 6x7 format is extremely hobbled by DOF considerations."
 - Bill Robb

"If anyone needs to know if octopusses have tongues, see Doug."
 - Dave Brooks

"Can I skip this thread too?"
 - Marnie AKA Doe

"Did you ever visit the primaeval Bialowieza Forest where the bison 
roam amidst 100 foot tall oaks?"
- John Forbes

"I can smell the testosterone from here."
 - Marnie AKA Doe

"Doug, we know he doesn't need any alcohol - maintaining this list is 
intoxicating enough."
 - Cesar Abdul Matamoros II (Kerplunk, Kerplunk, Oops Where's My 

"I had a life, but then I bought a computer with a modem."
 - Aaron Reynolds

"When you are shooting for money, you're supposed to know what you're 
 - Doug Brewer

"I wouldn't be afraid to shoot weddings with the D, if I weren't afraid 
to shoot weddings in general."
 - Paul Stenquist

"My eyes are shooting out psychic discombobulating beams."
 - Marnie AKA Doe

"Will probably be some time before she can send an articulate post. Not 
sure if that is a gender, family or PDML trait."
 - Mike Wilson

"It's easy to blame bad photography on the equipment."
 - Bill Robb

"Sometimes, interpreting the instruction manual is an art in its own 
 - Godfrey DiGiorgi

"The lab industry... used to be staffed by photographers looking to 
supplement their incomes. Now it is staffed by people who weren't fast 
enough to be cashiers."
 - Bill Robb

"Things I can live without would be local politicians and light beer."
 - Dave Brooks

"When I read people saying 'rotate it 0.04 degrees' I start laughing. 
This is photography people, not precision engineering."
 - David Savage

"It's easy to shoot birds with a 200 -- if they're dead."
 - Paul Stenquist

"So much for our fantasies of having an all-potato chassis..."
 - Aaron Reynolds

"Electromagnetism is very fickle."
 - Tom Cakalic

"Discipline requires limitation."
 - Bill Robb

"I shoot. I don't test."
 - Paul Stenquist

 - Cotty

"Lots of things are done without releases, but it only takes one 
lawsuit to ruin your day."
 - Bob Shell

"No amateur has to justify any price tag."
 - Cotty

"Some things flow downhill - you appear to at the bottom of the hill."
 - Sulu (another quote imported from outside the PDML, but what the 

"Marek is a long time Pentax user, the patience of a saint comes with 
it :)"
 - Tomasz Machnik

"Some people are looking for problems, and find them. Others aren't, 
and don't."
 - Bill Robb

"I ... do not believe that art can exist without an underlying 
 - Bob Shell

"Reality is. Some delude themselves otherwise through interpretation."
 - Bill Robb

"A professional photographer is one who expects to get paid for making 
photos. And equipment in my experience plays a part way secondary to 
having the neccessary contacts with photo buyers."
 - Graywolf

"Use? Connection vessel yes it is cheap the equipment spiral shellfish 
 - Babelfish

"You suck."
 - Doug Brewer

"The Pentax viewfinders are pretty good compared to the competition. I 
realize this is like saying my dog has pretty good breath for a dog."
 - Bill Robb 

"The greater the artist, the greater the doubt; perfect confidence is 
granted to the less talented as a consolation prize."
 - Robert Hughes in Time Magazine

"The women (in Canada) are quite warm. We bury the ones that cool off 
too much."
 - Bill Robb

"I laughed so hard I farted!"
 - Bob Walkden

"William Robb insults everybody, knows what he is talking about, and is 
frequently very entertaining."
 - John Forbes

"Shooting any kind of sports requires two things: Knowledge of what you 
are shooting and fast reflexes. What you want is a camera that will 
allow incompetence behind it."
 - Bill Robb

"Some people care about specs, others care about making photographs."
 - Shel Belinkoff

"Go with lots of film, shoot off a bunch, and hope for the best"
 - Frank Theriault

"It's probably hard to sell a magazine with headline that says 'Five 
cameras tested, they're virtually identical, it won't make much 
difference which one you pick!!!!'"
 - George Sinos

"We still shake hands up here and live by the spirit of agreements, 
rather than the absolute letter of them. It may not be the right way in 
some people's minds, but it is our way."
 - Bill Robb

"The antithesis of pure utility"
 - Rob Studdert's definition of Art

"I always knew you were weird."
 - Marnie AKA Doe

"The word 'inexpensive' loses all meaning in that rarified atmosphere 
of high prices."
 - Keith Whaley

"If you can, do. If you can't, analyse."
 - John Forbes

"A tripod that stays at home or in the trunk of the car because it's 
too heavy to carry comfortably is worse than no tripod at all"
 - Rick Womer

"A heavy tripod is just natures way of telling you to get fitter."
 - Malcolm Smith

"I don't think you're allowed to make sensible remarks of that nature 
on that subject."
 - ERN Reed

"We're really quite amusing when you crush an entire year's waste into 
a single dumpster like that."
 - Bob Walkden

"I saw the pdml, clicked the link, decided that Doug was funny, and 
signed up."
 - Dave Brooks

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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