On 7/1/07, Godfrey DiGiorgi, discombobulated, unleashed:

>I understand that ... for years, my mobile was only for work use,  
>paid for by my company, and it was only with me or switched on when I  
>was doing things for work. Nowadays, however, I work for myself and  
>"in need" communications are often important, even when I'm not at my  
>desk. Plus I find that I can budget my personal use very effectively  
>with it. So the device has its plusses and those prove valuable. I  
>strive to use it in a rational manner too ... which means with  
>courtesy to others and thought to what I'm doing with it.


I have to be contactable 24 hours a day as a part of my contract, and so
I carry 2 cell phones (different providers) although the main one is a
Treo 650. I purposely got a leather cover for it that flips down at the
bottom, so I actually talk into the cover, thus I don't have to talk
loudly for the other party to hear me well. I am also very conscious of
where and when to use it, often letting calls divert to ansaphone and
taking them later. There's a balance to be reached here, but the trouble
is that this balance is left up to the individual to decide, and boy o
boy is there ever a difference of opinion as to where the correct
balance lies.

Consider - when you go into a supermarket and an aisle is blocked half-
way down by someone with their trolley at right angles, with little
thought about people needing to get past - - that person has a car
parked outside and a phone in their pocket. Why stop with just blocking
an aisle? People don't think, and certainly think less about others.

Fortunately, Darwin filters things out. Unfortunately, the innocent suffer.



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