Cotty wrote:

>On 7/1/07, Paul Stenquist, discombobulated, unleashed:
>>I'm with you there. On my cell phone I answer most calls because the  
>>number is not widely distributed. But I always check the ID. If it's  
>>suppressed, I don't answer. I never answer my land line. I do check  
>>the messages from time to time.
>You guys are all nuts. I answer any phone call I get, mobile or
>landline. Unsolicited canvassing calls amount to probably less than half
>a dozen a year. We get / make many calls to / from friends and
>relatives. Call me old-fashioned, but chatting using voice is still my
>preferred method of communication with fellow humans.....
Cotty, I'm with you there 100%.  Living alone, both the land line and 
cell phone are
essential to me. In semi-retirement and free-lancing every call could be 
a job - easy enough to
hang up if it isn't.

It is a safety thing for me, as well.  And then, I really do love to put 
the walkaround head set on
my land line and be able to visit with friends while I'm sweeping the 
floor or doing other physical
household chores.  

Only recently, I have ignored the phone when I'm engrossed in a film or 
tv show - but I listen to
the message and pick up if it is more than a "just called to chat"

And if someone is hleping me with something I know little about, hearing 
them explaint it while  
I'm doing it is much easier for me than rading it on the screen or 
having to print it out and
then wonder where I put the paper. :)

I've made purchase decisions  based on what I found out when I called 
someone while I was
in a store.  

I leave the cell phone on at all times in my home because sometimes the 
only way I can find it
is to call the number from the land line.  That usually happens about 4 
or 5 times a week if not more.

I didn't have one, though, until I had a long distance romance a few 
years ago - and with that it
saved us both tons of money.  

You can tell I just woke up because I'm blah blah blahing :)


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