Thanks for the feedback, folks.  I kinda thought it was probably a bit
more work than necessary, but figured a handful of you would be able
to offer a reasonable second opinion.  Boy, was I wrong!  (Kidding.
Don't kick me.)  I wasn't super impressed with the final rendering
offered in the tutorial, but thought that it might make for an
interesting portrait technique.  I'll give it a go soon.

Speaking of linear RAW conversions, who's using what?  Or rather,
what's available?  I currently have access to the software that came
with the K100D and CS2.

On 1/19/07, Scott Loveless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One more, and then I'll give it a rest for the rest of the day.
> Are any of you doing anything like this:
> Is it worth the effort?  And what's your opinion of the finished
> product?  (There's an example photo in the tutorial.)
> --
> Scott Loveless
> Shoot more film!

Scott Loveless
Shoot more film!

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