Hi Folks,
Thanks to the evangelical zeal of my brother Francis (who has lately 
been tooting about his photo contest victory), I recently converted to 
Pentax and bought a K10D. I made this purchase just before I leaving 
Canada for a month in Berlin, and the assortment of lenses I bought on 
eBay to go with the body-only camera failed to arrive before I left.

So now I'm stuck in Berlin with a brand new DSLR (my first), and nary a 
lens to put on the thing. And my brother, well intentioned Pentax 
missionary,  is stuck here with me snatching the glass off his camera 
whenever he turns his back. Unless this is rectified, he may never 
convert another Nikon user again, and the world of Pentax will suffer 

If any Pentaxians live in Berlin, I -- and my brother -- would be sehr 
fruhlich to hear if (1) you have any inexpensive Pentax lenses you'd 
sell me (a DA 18-55 kit zoom would be just fine) or (2) what store you'd 
recommend in Berlin for second hand equipment. Any general photo 
recommendations for Berlin would also be welcome of course.

Miene deutsch ist nicht sehr gut, aber ich denke ich konnen sagen genug 
worten fur kaufen eine objektive oder zwei.

Vielen danke!


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