On Jan 27, 2007, at 2:12 PM, Mat Maessen wrote:

> On 1/27/07, Mike Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My K10D underexposes 2/3 stop with this screen, so I'm looking to  
>> sell
>> it now.  I paid about $130 for it a year ago.  It's clean, no
>> scratches or marks.  Split prism with microprism collar, no Optibrite
>> treatment or crop marks.
>> asking $75USD + shipping, obo.
> Hi Mike,
> How did your *istDS meter with this screen in it? Did it affect the
> autofocus or metering levels at all?
> I am interested, but I want to make sure I'm not screwing myself with
> my DA 16-45.
> -Mat


I found the same thing with my custom Katz Eye screen (no microprism  
or split image) for the DS fitted in the K10D: consistent and  
reliable underexposure with by 0.7EV with the K10D compared to the  
OEM screen. In the DS model, it produces exactly the same exposure as  
the DS OEM screen.

Autofocus happens in front of the screen so it affects nothing there.  
The Katz Eye screens with microprism and split image will throw off  
the Spot metering mode now and then, a little bit dependent upon the  
lens you're using too IIRC. It has to do with alignment of the  
metering sensor, the focusing aids and the exit pupil of a particular  


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