Igor Roshchin wrote on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 12:32:52 -0800:

> (snip)
> Heavy on the pocket and beyond:
> Seemingly a rear lens: A 400/2.8
> http://www.adorama.com/US%20%20%20%20248576.html
> The price seems to be rather reasonable: $2.5K for this expensive  
> lens.
> (I cannot justify anything over $1000 for myself.)
> Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, the truck and the porter  
> needed for
> carrying this lens around are not included.
> I hope this doesn't violate the rule of PDML.
> Igor
> PS. It is actually not heavy on the pocket, as it makes the pocket
> much-much lighter! ;-)
> Although, with credit cards, the weight of the pocket doesn't  
> change...

Thanks (I think) for the post, Igor.  I've been looking for a copy of  
this monster in reasonably good condition and at a reasonable price  
for my collection of A and A* primes.  I pulled the trigger and  
ordered it from Adorama today.  Who wants to volunteer to be my  
porter and carry it around?

I currently have 25 A and A* prime lenses in hand (not including  
duplicates) and when this one arrives I'll have only the A*600/5.6  
and the A*1200/8 left on my "wanted" list (not that I ever expect to  
get the last one; I've never even seen it for sale, and I suspect  
that it would cost as much as a new car...).

Regards, Jim

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