
And closely related to the info from Wheatfield Willie given earlier, f-stops are 
computations of DOF.  On many medium format cameras, esp. those with bellows focusing, 
you'll see a scale on the side which instructs the user regarding exposure and focus 
distance.  Look at a photo of the Mamiya RB and C220/C330.  These cameras, among 
others, have this scale on the side.  As a consequence, exposure can change based on 
focus distance, though DOF remains the same.

Aperture setting DOES NOT equal identical exposure at differing focus distances.

my 2c


<Subject: Re: lens brightness 

<A factor affecting light transmission will be lens extension. 
<Set to any given aperture, charts typically show that a 50/1.4 
<lens will need about 1/3 stop more exposure when focused at 18" 
<than it needs at infinity. This may be due to the size of the 
<image circle being cast over the negative at varying extensions. 

<Mark Rofini 
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