On 3/08/07 10:13 PM, "Godfrey DiGiorgi", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't give a damn what Sony's new pro DSLR looks like. It looks
> like a camera to me. A Pentax 645 looks like an ungainly box with a
> pipe on the front and a handle. A Hasselblad is another fugly box
> with a pipe stuck on it. The fact that those two are superb cameras
> is what's important. These are my opinions. I don't know what Sony's
> new box is yet. I see no reason to disparage it by calling it ugly.

I knew this irritated you :-).  But strange!

> What's in it? how does it perform? how much will it cost? what is the
> quality of the lenses available for it? ... These are questions I'm
> interested in the answers to.

As I said, you are not the only person who wants to know these.  Today was
just the first day of PMA.  There are already many info coming out under the
table at least in Japan, and soon they will be here.  But as somebody else
said, I would not put too much speculations on non-Pentax subjects littering
this list.  The only reason why I raised the Sony matter was that there has
been a persistent rumour about their flagship being a FF sensor with 20MP
etc, which I thought might have some bearing on those who are wishing Pentax
FF.  But loom at your questions.  We were just joking around the loom of
their mockup as everybody else in the world was doing.  Some of their posts
were downright funny.  But that does not mean that people have interest only
on the ugliness and not other more important questions.  As I said, I will
buy an ugly camera in a heartbeat if it gives me what I want.  But don't
even think that people who were joking around one subject do not have
questions/interests in other point.  That was my point.  And I felt there
has been a pattern of some pompousness when you start trying to disparage
somebody else's discussions.  As I pointed out much earlier, your mentality
in the same tone is when you suddenly crop up, blaming somebody else's
thread being a waste of time and you should ignore it.  As I said at that
time, in defense of somebody else, I thought it was rude/intrusive and told
you that if you think certain thread is stupid and waste of time and wish to
ignore it, do so quietly without telling the world that you should ignore

> If you want to discuss beautiful toys, by all means, but don't make
> insinuations about my opinions. I didn't opine that you were an idiot
> for considering it ugly.

I don't care about the beautiful toys although I appreciate beautiful
craftsmanship.  This comment alone has another underlying tone.
And why do you think I made insinuations about your opinion.  It was not at
all about your opinion, but your attitude, and I tried to be subtle about it
but you made this into your opinion vs my opinion.  I "never" insinuate
others' opinion.  Did you ever see me doing so?  I was only trying to subtly
communicate with you on "underlying' tone of your post and your habit.
And when I said something not so nice about someone, I always try to balance
it by saying something nice such as you have been helpful in many areas, in
a hope you will understand there was nothing personal.

This is enough.  I am tired of this.  I know I should not have raised this
and wanted and hoping that this won't come to this, but since you challenged

Like I said, take it easy.  To me, this is just another hobby list, and it
is in fact stupid to get emotional and personal.  This is not a life or
death matter and I have no desire to continue any more.


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