On Mar 13, 2007, at 2:47 AM, Cotty wrote:

> Thanks Paul. I know I'll be labelled as a heretic, but I have to say
> that the 1D is the best photographic device I've ever used - certainly
> on a par with the LX in terms of build quality and sheer respect.
> Reliability-wise, no contest. I loved the LX but it needed  
> attention to
> keep it up and running. As for Godfrey's bug-bear, the design is first
> rate and I find little to fault it. I really wish I could find a  
> reason
> to despise it so I could get a K10D and switch back. I can't.

Hmm. Which bug-bear was that?

What I didn't like about the Canon gear I had wasn't much connected  
with the design and quality. It was almost entirely the size/weight  
and lens line that didn't suit my fancy so well. I found the 10D  
quite a good camera in almost all ways other than the fact that it  
and the lenses were an awful lot to carry around. And I couldn't seem  
to find lenses that I like as much as the ones I have now.


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