On May 7, 2007, at 8:14 AM, P. J. Alling wrote:

> It's highest concentration is supposed to be in the root bark.
> But apparently it's worse than I thought it's used in making MDMA.
> That means it will soon be illegal to even posses...
> http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/chem_prog/advisories/safrole.htm

That's completely ridiculous.  Here in the Blue Ridge Mountains  
sassafras grows everywhere.  There are a couple young sassafras trees  
on the alley behind my house.  What are they going to do, spray  
herbicides on all our forests?  Bust me for possession of sassafras  
because those trees are growing on my property?

Jeez, penalize everyone because a tiny minority uses something for  
the wrong reason.  Just like the gauntlet I have to run these days to  
buy Sudafed for my allergies!

Well, they also use water in the process to make MDMA.  Will we have  
to sign to buy bottled water soon?

We truly do have a bunch of idiots in the government here.


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