----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mike wilson"
Subject: Re: Amazon buys dpreview.com

>> I think the average DSLR user does shoot .jpg.  Unless one is *really*
>> serious, the 'good enough' of .jpgs is pretty good for most people.  I'd
>> venture to say that most DSLR users still don't want take the time to 
>> post
>> process their images like many here on this list do.
> Three other members of my family have now bought DSLRs.  I had to explain 
> to two of them what RAW files were and what they had to do to process and 
> print them.  They both decided it was too much trouble.  The other had 
> already come to that decision by himself.  Two other acquaintances with 
> DSLRs shoot exclusively JPG.  All but one of them I expect will return to 
> compacts in the future.  None of the casual photographers I have spoken to 
> at events and places have ever been using RAW.  Many of them have not 
> known what RAW files are.

The pro guys I deal with are mostly shooting jpg. The exceptions are when 
they feel the need for the extra WB control, although even then, they aren't 
doing much beyond using the default conversion to jpg.

William Robb 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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