----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David J Brooks"
Subject: Quess what lens showed up at Henrys for me today

> Timing is everything.
> Called my guy at Henrys isn Newmarket about 10am today. Asked about
> the 77 ltd and whats happening. He said one came into the store
> yesterday, for someone else and it was the silver one, not black as he
> had ordered and refused it.

No surprise, Pentax Canada doesn't import the black ones AFAIK. Mine came 
via a rather curious route through Kerrisdale Cameras in Vancouver.

> Manager said sell it to Brooks.
> So, guess what I'll be doing Saturday.
> Go on, take a guess.:-)

Trying to get your name off the list for the DA70mm?

William Robb 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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