Well I had a similar story with a just new from the box HP DV9702US.  I 
worked with it for a while and decided that the web camera that came 
integrated with it was a junk.  So I donwloaded the Vista drivers from 
the internet for my external camera, installed it and worked with it for 
a while, turned the pc off, and next day it will not boot up.  Somewhere 
in the boot process the famous BSOD, came up! ( Blue Screen Of Death).   
The operating system could not boot up and a critical error was been 
dumped from memory to disk.  I found that Vista in that computer comes 
by default with the restore point creation disabled.  So I tried every 
way to boot up the damn thing until I was able once to boot up, I 
quickly went to the HP Full restore option and I was able to get the PC 
back as new like 2 days eralier when I bought it. After that I did the 
back up DVD operating system DVD's. 
 Now I plan to install Photoshop CS3 and Lightroom.  I do know that LR 
is not Vista ready yet but do know of some people using it.  This 
portable pc has the option for installing a secon HD and I am going that 
way.   I will keep that second HD for putting my files in it ( read the 
pictures files) in case this happens again!  I will backup to 2 external 
HD and burn DVDs with the keepers raw images.  I think Vista is not 
stable enough yet.

Angel Ramos
Arecibo, Puerto Rico

Scott Loveless wrote:
> Mark Roberts wrote:
>> Scott Loveless wrote:
>>> Last night the laptop shot itself in the foot.  I'm surfing along, 
>>> reading my mail, whatever, and explorer crashed.  Then my other apps 
>>> started shutting down.  Then windows tells me that it's encountered a 
>>> critical error and must shut down.  Now it won't boot.  At all.  Safe 
>>> mode doesn't work either.  Compaq was nice enough to install a few 
>>> recovery utilities on a separate partition.  No luck.  Seems the only 
>>> option I have is restoring the laptop to its original condition.  20 GB 
>>> of photos and other files are located on that machine.  At least 6GB 
>> >from GFM.  I really didn't want to lose this stuff.  I hate Vista.
>> Sounds like a hard drive going south
> That's what I thought, too, but the recovery partition is still 
> working.  One of the tools is a hard drive diagnostic.  No errors 
> found.  The file backup utilities on that partition need a drive large 
> enough to copy to - it's not smart enough to let me swap out usb pen 
> drives or burn to CD.  System restore (also available from the recovery 
> partition) wasn't enabled.  I'm not sure if it wasn't on by default or 
> if I turned it off at some point.  Right now Ubuntu is reading the drive 
> just fine.  I'm beginning to think it's a software issue.  Perhaps the 
> crash corrupted a startup service or something like that.  We'll see.

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