
It's 'tilting at windmills.'
Spent a lot of time doing that during the Vietnam era.
It was mainly a waste of time.  Nothing changed.  War didn't stop.
And that was important stuff.

Pick your battles, pick how you try to affect change.
The suggestion of 30 photographers all taking photos of the guards was great.
It's the kind of guerrilla activity that would stir things up.

Police states are a bad thing, but we are still not there.  Most
policemen are not to different from you Bill.  They are keen observers
of their surroundings and pretty good at social interactions.

Vote, run for office if you want to make a difference.

Regards,  Bob S.

On 6/23/07, William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bob Sullivan"
> Subject: Re: Bouncer
> > Bill, Paul, ...
> > Pick your battles, pick how you want to spend your time.
> Thats the attitude the modern regimes hopes it's citizens will take. They
> hope that we will allow them to intimidate us.
> They hope that we won't think the battle is worth our while, they hope we
> would rather hide in our homes watching Seinfeld reruns.
> > Remember the Vietnam War -- Been there, done that.
> So why are you advocating bailing now? You must though this stuff was
> important at one time.
> Important enough to kill for, anyway.
> Or am I wrong, and you've seen through the brainwashing and think police
> states are a good thing?
> William Robb
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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