Digital Image Studio wrote:
> On 20/09/2007, Toralf Lund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I did get a pretty firm "the f/1.7 variant has been discontinued" when I
>> asked the local distributor about the availability of normal lenses
>> before I bought the one mentioned earlier. I'm not sure, however, that
>> such responses are the rule, or if Pentax themselves would say it. (The
>> distributor in question is an independent company, as far as I know.)
> My local distributor claimed that the LX had been discontinued as new
> models were made available in Japan, so don't believe all they tell
> you. They may just mean they they have ceased to sell and support the
> particular item.
Yes, I'm sure that may be the case. Actually, this was my original 
point, sort of; people seem to jump to conclusions about the general 
(non-)availability of lenses based on info from suppliers or 
distributors that may well reflect their own decisions on what items to 
carry, as opposed to Pentax's decisions on what to produce. (Then other 
people reach conclusions based on hearsay originating from the original 
users, and so on.)

In the case mentioned earlier the information seemed to coincide with 
the removal of the lens from the lists at the Pentax Japan website, 
however. And their statement that the 1.4 variant was still current also 
coincided with that version *not* being removed even though people were 
saying it had been discontinued, to put it that way.

- Toralf

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