Tom C wrote:
> I just learned a new word.  A friend asked me to scan some slides.  The box 
> he gave me has the phrase "diapositives Kodak".
Learning all the time ;-)

I believe the word was explained here in a not too distant past, when 
some (other) Norwegian referred to his slides as "dias", and most people 
didn't understand what he was talking about. The term "diapositive", or 
more often just "dia" for short, is quite common around here. It's also 
the usual word for (photographic) slide in German, I think

It's apparently less frequently used in English, but still included in 
my "Oxford Concise" dictionary, and I also found it here:
> I knew a slide is a positive of course, but I had never heard it with a dia- 
> prefix.  Something to keep in mind for Scrabble.
> Tom C.

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