Save in RAW format, leave the colorspace in sRGB. It's irrelevant  
except for in-camera JPEGs.

If you must capture in-camera JPEGs, there's not much you can do  
about it if you want Adobe RGB colorspace (which I recommend for JPEG  
capture, btw).

Otherwise, use software to transfer the files from card to computer  
which does a renaming operation for you. I've begun to rename all my  
files to "YYMMDD-tag-XXXX" format, where tag is an event or other  
mnemonic to identify what the file might be associated with, and XXXX  
is the numeric portion of the original filename.


On Apr 5, 2008, at 1:48 PM, Marcus A. Hofmann wrote:
> Hello.
> Is there a way to customize the filenames the K200D produces? At first
> I was irritated, because the first images I took (DNG) where named
> IMGPxxxx.DNG, and at some point the camera produced files named
> _IGPxxxx.DNG (where xxxx is the image number). After some
> experimenting I found out that sRGB-files are named IMGPxxxx, while
> AdobeRGB files are named _IGPxxxx. Is there a reason for that? Can I
> turn it off? I think IMGPxxxx is quite OK, I don't want files to have
> a name beginning with an underscore.

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