Although real life has been interferring with this clearly more 
important online community of chit-chat,  it is hard to stay
away after Scott  wrote and told me I should at least check out the 
archives for recent posts since the PUG was
up for April.  He knew I needed a boost :)

So here is my public blush -  Glad you liked Jackie thanks especially to 
Cotty, Bob, Bob, Brian and  anyone else who liked it.
But, hey, I started with a stunning looking teen - makes it easy.  

I'm not much into portraiture, actually - but when someone I like is in 
front of the camera I can get into it.  And I definitely
liked the gallery on the whole this month - also, to my surprise - 
because I'm more interested in "no people" pictures - and
or photo-journalistic stuff....

Hey, Jens, is Lars into older women?  wish I were 40 years younger! 
 It's a fine "Chuck Close" shot - I love it.
Also, the "Girl with a Pearl Earring" like shot of Dag's is stunning  - 
I think those are my two faves but
also Pauls "Rude Child"  - much more fun than just another pretty little 
kid shot.  And Rebekah's simple stated
glimpse of her little girl  that tells me a lot about her.  And 
Gianfrano's stuff is always compelling and much more
my kinda stuff than straight portraits.  

Re Jackie -
Sadly, an ad agency lost the best chromes I took of Jackie  but it was 
difficult to protest as she got to an interview with
them for a print ad because of someone's wife who was a friend, etc etc 
and the husband was in charge.  The wife
was the very first person who ever bought a photo from me and she saw 
Jackie's photos at my home.  Awkward.
The print is flawed that I scanned from  - the smutz on the chrome in 
the darkroom was the reason I even have a print.
(have black and white negs and the chrome outtakes ) .  

So I'm back --  but still it is hard to get to post much right now... 
but some of that is for some good stuff happening.
In about a month I should be able to title a post about being 
'published'  (not "self-published")   Don't want to
say anything until it is in my paws.

On the self publishing front, though, I revised the cover of my 
'poetry&photography" book that is on lulu -
it is now a photograph  and vastly better than what was there before - 
which, not surprisingly, people who
have seen both have forgotten the first one.  

New one here (and lowered price) :

all for now,

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