Mark wrote:

"I recently received my DA* 16-50 F2.8 back from Pentax USA (via 
California Precision Service).  It had a clear centering defect that 
yielded softness on the right side of the image.

"First thing I did when I got it back was to onto my "lens test range" 
(a tripod and a couple of test patterns taped to the wall).

"Two different pictures, both taken at 50mm and F8.  One is sharp in the 
center and left and soft on the right.  One image is sharp on the center 
and right and soft on the left.  And now the SDM autofocus doesn't work."

The floating softness is definitely weird. For what it is worth, the 
rumor I have seen is that centering defects are pretty hard for a 
service center to fix. It has to be gotten right at the factory.

I don't know whether this is correct.


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