Wow. What a week.

Got some good photography done, lots of biking and quite a bit of 
hiking. Pictures to follow soon.

Monday & Tuesday we bicycled. Monday on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It's a 
totally different way of experiencing the Parkway. Highly recommended if 
you can handle the hills.

Wednesday we hiked the Profile Trail on Grandfather Mountain all the way 
up top Calloway Peak. The goal of this week's trip was mainly plant and 
flower macro photography but even so I was surprised to find that I used 
the Sigma 180/3.5 macro for 100% of my shots on Wednesday. The big find 
of the day: Gray's Lily. It's a very rare endangered species found only 
on a few mountains in the southeast. Lisa spotted them and I got quite a 
few good shots. The hike was a killer, though (with a pack loaded with 
camera gear) and my quadriceps hurt like hell the next day. Not a good 
omen for Saturday's big event...

The Blood, Sweat and Gears century! 100 miles of biking with 13,000+ 
feet of climb. This year I made it all the way up Snake Mountain -- a 
FIVE MILE climb, half of which is around 8% grade and the last quarter 
mile of which is an 18% grade -- without walking or even "serpentining" 
through the steepest part. (Of course, I nearly fell off the bike at the 
rest stop at the top...)

Way too much to describe here (gluttons for punishment will get it in my 
blog) but a very positive week. Possibly other good developments which I 
won't even mention here for fear of jinxing anything.

Photos next...

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