If anyone is interested, I just had the following exchange with Pentax 
USA concerning metering for Expanded Dynamic Range on the K20D. My 
original question is at the bottom.

Given this answer, for EDR to work the camera must somehow anticipate 
how the histogram will distribute even before taking the image. Is my 
reasoning here correct?

How would this be possible?

Comments or thoughts?




Dear Sir,
Thank you for contacting Pentax.

The metering method will not effect the dynamic range option. You can 
use any of the metering options the camera has while expanding the 
dynamic range.


Michael C
Pentax Imaging Technical Support

Your  Email:
Hello. My question concerns using the Expanded Dynamic
Range feature on the K20D. Does this feature require one to use
multi-segment metering? Or will it work with center-weighted averaging 
(which I normally use)?

Thank you,

Joseph Tainter

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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