I didn't know this.  One of my favorite actors.  He always struck me as
the kind of person who enjoyed his life and tried to follow what he

Was his last role Doc in "Cars"?

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

>>> ann sanfedele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 9/27/2008 5:54 PM >>>
I'm very sad about the passing of Paul Newman.... one of the very 
greatest of our film actors...
Will boast that I saw him on TV in the 50's (when I was in the theatre)

and made a point of telling
my mate I was sure he was going to go far... I can't remember the
a couple of years later - 1958  I believe, I saw him on stage on 
Broadway in "Sweet Bird of Youth" with Geraldine
Page and Rip Torn.   Our seats were in the balcony, but Newman's 
piercing blue eyes were like beacons all the way
up to me.  

I may be a bit teary over it because it is compounded by the failing 
health of two of my good friends, making me more
vulnerable -  The only other time I got teared up over well-known 
performers passing were those I had actually known
back in the day.


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