
Was and is!

"I don't mind if you don't like my manners.
I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad.
I grieve over them long winter evenings."
 -- Philip Marlowe (Humphrey Bogart)

From: "Peter Alling" <>

The first bank of the United States was also a private institution. It was not run by the government. It's function was much like the federal reserve bank system. Yes it was federally chartered but so is the Fed. If it was unconstitutional then so is the Fed for the same reasons.

From: Bob Blakely <>

Under our system, the government has no rights, only powers, and only those
granted to it by the Constitution.

Hamilton's opinion may be interesting to discuss, however, the Constitution
is more important than Hamilton. I've read our Constitution mant times and
cannot find any part that would grant the Federal government the power to
establish a bank.

In fact, that's why we "use" the Federal Reserve (Bank). It's a private (as
in non government) profit making corporation with a federal charter.

From: "Peter Alling" <>

Hamilton probably wouldn't have thought so.

From: Bob Blakely <>

That wold be the unconstitutional bank, right.

From: "Peter Alling" <>

Real Irony is putting the face of the president who destroyed the US'
first central bank, setting the economy back 50 years, on the $20 dollar

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