----- Original Message ----- From: "David J Brooks"
Subject: Photoshop assistance

Cotty had a suggestion for my fire fighter group shot, to scale and
cut and paste in the two heads that have eyes open.

I started to play with it last night before bed time.

I drew around the good head(oh i can see this going south quickly) and
moved it over to the second photo. I then went and cut out the head
with the closed eyes, and when it disapeared it left a whit back
ground, but it seems to spill the white out over part of the photo.,
and looked terrible.

I then tried to over lap the two photos, there is some slight body
differnces, and use a mask and erase the bad heads. Worked fairly
well, but whats the best way to do a cut and paste of the heads, with
out the white spill over. I know i'll have to do a bit of cloning.

Any help is appreciated, i want to make a print foro the station.


Be careful with the amount of feathering you have set.
After that, it's just patience.
Also, don't cut the heads out of the photo you want to use, just paste the good heads on top of what's there.

William Robb

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