Christine Aguila wrote:
(Probably best to read this with a wink ;-) and a smile :-) all the way through.)

After Saturday's dinner, Doug Brewer dashed off, tending to official workshop business, and Darrel and I headed into the auditorium for the Fine Art Black and White presentation, which I thought interesting, but it was infused with more expensive software talk, so I nudged Darrel, and we headed for the Cliffside view site--and a mountain side sunset.

Then more PDMLers arrived, and equipment popped out of bags, and tripods were yanked about. Scott cursed the person who invented tripods; Ted yelled for me to hurry with the silhouette shot I attempted to take of him; folks climbed up rocks to get the best position. It was great fun to watch--and the sunset was nice too! To the left of the sun, one was treated to lovely pink and blue colors, and for my first time at a mountain side sunset, I did ok with those shots. Nothing great, but respectable, but my actual sunset shots are pretty scary looking--scary as in what drugs was the photographer taking when shooting these shots, but it just doesn't matter. It was fun to be there, to watch folks shoot, and to see the beautiful colors.

Darrel & I had two bottles of wine in hand when we arrived at the PDML campsite Saturday night. Stan obliged with the uncorking--you know, I learned that Stan Halpin knows everyone and has been everywhere--quite worldly that man! The conversation meandered again: I think it began with PDML history and stories, snaked into motorcycle racing, back to fun stories and gossip about folks on the list, headed off into a book about World War I, names of PDMLers that folks would like to meet in person, and other various, various--the usual PDML stuff.

We had a good strong steady rain in the early hours of Sunday. Most stayed dry, but Cotty remarked he had quite a bit of water under his tent. It was back up the hill for the awards and the Sunday morning Doug and Mark show, which was really great. If Cotty goes to GFM next year, I think he should video tape it, then edit it, then post the clip on the list. Everyone should be treated to the Doug and Mark show, which combines the humor of a hyper-kinetic Mark Roberts and a laid-back Doug Brewer. It certainly makes for some hearty belly-laughs! Well done, guys! Really impressive!

Then it was pack up and go, with "glad to meet yas" all the way around. Darrel & I will go next year provided no unexpectedness unexpectedly pops up--folks on the list should go--maybe next year's PDML meet-up could be a big one, with lots of PDML folks around the camp fire.

Here are a few pics if you're interested.  Cheers, Christine

Just worked my way through all of the GFM posts. Highly entertaining, and almost as good as being there. Almost.



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