P. J., I dropped one loong ago, before the days of circular polarizers - and it delaminated some right after the impact, but stopped despite being kept in a drawer for 12+ years. Found it in january, still looking the same - just a semi circle delaminated radiating from the ding in the border.

Moisture is a problem - but the pesky filter was stored with silica, along a lens and some other bits and filters and the rest is looking the same as before. The BH pair - circular polarizers, 52 & 58mm - is outside, in the bag since before the P adapters were released and is still perfect.

Not a huge setback, but annoying. I'd rather understanding, so it doesn't happens again.


P. J. Alling escreveu:
I've never had a polarizer delaminate, but moisture will do it.

Luiz Felipe wrote:
Just received a piece of no-good news. Unpacked my Cokin set and discovered my once lovely polarizer is de-laminating badly. Any clues to motive? Did this happen to anyone else??


Luiz Felipe
luiz.felipe at techmit.com.br

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