Wow! Daniel - pass my tanks on to your wife, I hope she is able to find a 
vendor for the book. 
Thanks too to Paul Stenquist for telling me about the discussion of the book 
here. I started a new day-job 6 months ago and after almost 10 years of 
freelancing and part-timing I'm still a bit freaked out about getting up and 
going somewhere every day. Well - 'somewhere' as in not the woods or prairie or 
savannah... Anyhow, I've not been active on the list for a while...
the Story of Snow has been off to a great start - it was a Junoir Library Guild 
Selctiion a couple of months ago, the New York Public Library included it in 
their '100 titles for reading and Sharing', the Bulletin of the Center of 
Children's Books is putting it on the cover of their Decmebr issue and the 
nation Science Teacher's Association included it in their list of 2010 
Outstanding Science Trade Books. Not bad for the first 6 weeks in print!
Last night I set up a website / blog for the book which can be cound here - I pulled in some posts that had been on my perosnal blog 
and added some new ones. I hope to keep things up to date there! And folks 
interested in B&W urban landscapes might want to check out the link to Gary 
Ciadella's book there.
Later -

----- Original Message ----
From: Daniel J. Matyola <>
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>
Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009 12:43:47 PM
Subject: Re: Mark Cassino's New Book

My wife put in a purchase order for 30 copies of Mark Cassino's book
on The Story of Snow for the elementary school's weather unit.  The
school district can only purchase from certain vendors approved by the
state,  but she hopes that one of their book sellers can fill the

For those who have not seen it, the book is a marvelous combination of
photography, art and science, well told in an approachable style.


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