I have been back in mid-Michigan for a few days, a quick return visit soon after I returned home after Christmas (helping my wife deal with family health issues). In my spare time, besides the occasional jaunt outside to shoot the local critters, I have been working my way through my 2009 catalog. Here are three from our trip to Rome last spring. Not my pick of the best of the several thousand shots from that trip, but I thought Frank and others would enjoy the cycling shot, and the other two are examples of the 15mm in action (for Christine).

http://photos.stanhalpin.com/p155717848/e2db14cbb  Roman cyclist...
http://photos.stanhalpin.com/p155717848/e89db1f1  chapel ceiling (15mm)
http://photos.stanhalpin.com/p155717848/e5929ebb  ceiling detail (15mm)


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