Woot! Woot!  Yes I am!

I got me a K-7! She arrived this morning!!

Happy, happy, joy, joy.

I also got the kit 18-55 lens – tis a bit slow for my needs and I already
have an 18-50 of the same-ish speed, but thought for 100bucks more, it
couldn’t hurt to have a WR version of that length lens and the reviews on it
actually seem quite good so long as it isn’t used wide open too much. 
Actually I like to have a nice lens or two that IS soft when wide open
depending on different effects that I am going for at any given time.  It
will also be my very first DA lens!

Also got myself a screen protector, extra battery, batter grip and a couple
of 8gb Sandisk Extreme III SD cards.

Ooooooooh, I feel so spoilt!  

I have a commercial shoot on Sunday, shooting a baby’s nursery and the baby
for a magazine, I wonder if I should risk it and use a new camera that I am
not familiar with or stick with the old starkist for one last time.

Hmmmm, me think’s I’m feeling a  bit risqué, oops, I mean feeling a bit like
taking a RISK. Hehe.

Now, just to think of a name for her, so she can feel as though she is part
of the family…


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