Okay, I did some googling myself. :-)

2010/2/5 Martin Trautmann <tr...@gmx.de>:

>>> * B133EW07 V1 (AUO)

This one is apparently produced in Taiwan by http://www.auo.com . The
panel model doesn't feature on their products page, but all the listed
laptop screens are specified as TN panels. I checked both the 13", 15"
and 17" models. So unless it's a very special and secret deal with
Apple only, it's not likely to be anything but TN.

>>> * LTN133AT09
A Samsung panel. Specifications at Samsung website given only for part
of the model number. I assume it means that the two last digits mean
minor differences. TN panel. Maybe not surprising since the letters
are part of the model name.

>>> * LP154WP3-TLA1

An LG model, not a current one, but all its siblings are TN.

>>> * B154PW01 V0

Another AUO model, also TN. It's a 15" panel, though, so if a 13"
laptop reports that, I'd be very skeptical...


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