Same-old, really :)

I really seriously struggled this time around.  Not only did it rain but the 
light was getting very dim, even more so than last week.  I had to put the 
200mm f/2.8 away and shoot with the 100mm, and even then I felt like I was 
pushing my luck.  You'll see that a few of the photos I chose are still a 
little soft.  The runners were the hardest to shoot as they move faster and the 
trees weren't exactly helping with the lighting.

SR does not help much when your subject is moving.  It also doesn't help much 
when you notice you've somehow nudged the switch to "off".  Luckily I found 
that one during the swimming stage.

There's one more race left in the series and it's held in a different location. 
 I've heard the forecast isn't so good but I'll wait and see as it's rarely 
accurate this far out.

I'm currently wishing the camera had more focus points, with an extra set 
closer to the edges.  I tend to be using the edges a lot with these races.  I'm 
shooting at an acute angle to the ocean with a long lens which causes the 
foreground to blur so I end up cropping it out.

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