What Dave said. And so sorry to hear. It is such a pain.
Your site still attempts to install dodgy crap on my computer. I
managed to stop it but I am still busy cleaning up. Take it down,
restore it from backup, apply all available patches and all lessons
Best of luck

2010/4/22 David Mann <dm...@bluemoon.net.nz>:
> On Apr 22, 2010, at 6:14 PM, Miserere wrote:
>> Yeah, still not fixed. I'm giving up for now; I've spent 6 straight
>> hours trying to figure this out and can't find that last damn script.
>> I've left a message on the WP forum and hopefully someone will have
>> replied by tomorrow.
> I've had to repair hacked sites for customers at work on a few occasions.
> The hard news is this: deleting EVERYTHING is the only way to be 100% sure.  
> Everything, including the database.  Nuke it from orbit then restore from 
> backup.  I hope you have a good backup, but I suspect the 6 hours you've 
> spent so far is a horrible lesson as to why you should have one.
> As for how they got in (which would be helpful to know if you plan to prevent 
> a recurrence), it could be any of:
> - Wordpress core
> - The theme
> - Any one of the plugins you've installed
> There are more potential places but those are by far the most likely.
> Most hacking is automated so it's likely that a dodgy bit of javascript or 
> php code has been simply appended into one or more template files.  Bear in 
> mind it could be anything that puts content on the page which includes things 
> like sidebar plugins so switching these off may help you isolate the problem. 
>  Maybe try switching to a different template; if the problem goes away then 
> you could delete and reinstall your normal one.  When you delete it make damn 
> well sure its entire folder is gone before you reinstall.
> Last year I saw an old (out of date) Joomla site get hacked via an 
> SQL-injection hole in one of its extensions.  The hacker had found the site 
> using an inurl: search in Google, looking for that particular extension which 
> was an events calendar, I think (another good reason to switch on 
> search-engine-friendly URLs).
> The popular CMS teams tend to be pretty good at keeping on top of security 
> but the same can't be said for some of the third-party developers, nor 
> webmasters who don't always keep their sites up to date due to a lack of 
> time, motivation, knowledge or budget.
> We actually managed to clean that site up without too much trouble but only 
> because we have shell access to the server so once we knew what to look for 
> we could run a bunch of searches to find affected files.  Restoring from 
> backup was out of the question in that case due to the historical hackage.  
> After that we upgraded the core CMS.  Any extension we couldn't upgrade or 
> find modern replacements for, we removed.
> Cheers,
> Dave
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