You have to be careful.
Just because your vision works perfectly, it's no reason to trash Autofocus.
I've needed glasses for nearsightedness (+8 diopters) and an astigmatism,
plus floaters (no help from the glasses), and now bifocals for reading.
Making pictures in sharp focus has always been a challenge,
and autofocus helps...even with the DFA100/2.8 Macro on the K-7.
Regards,  Bob S.

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 11:15 AM, CheekyGeek <cheekyg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My apologies to any who were offended my my choice of words. For the
> record, I was calling no person ridiculous.
> I can certainly empathize with anyone who has special needs. However,
> most people are not in that category, and yet feel that they MUST have
> autofocus. It is like those without the need all feeling they need to
> park in the "handicapped" parking spot. If one does not have special
> needs, I encourage them to open their minds to manual focus lenses, if
> they have not already done so.
> If you are an able-bodied person who regularly parks in handicapped
> parking spots and are offended by this post, I apologize in advance.
> Darren Addy
> Kearney, NE
> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Jerry in Arizona <glewis4...@yahoo.com> 
> wrote:
>> I am certainly glad that you are physically sound enough to use a manual 
>> focus macro (or any MF lens at all).  There are those of us where being 
>> visually or physically disabled have severe problems with MF lenses.  I 
>> suppose it might be helpful if you looked beyond beyond yourself before 
>> calling others "ridiculous."
>> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 9:40 AM, CheekyGeek <cheekyg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> IMHO, autofocus on a macro lens is ridiculous.
>>> The greatest value in macro lenses that I have seen is the Tamron SP
>>> 90mm f2.5 (either 52B or 52BB). WHAT a lens for very little money.
>>> You'll need the matched Tamron converter (or any good 7 element macro
>>> converter) to reach 1:1. Alternately, use an extension tube.
>> --
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> --
>  "The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a 
> camera."
>                                            ~ Dorothea Lange
> "98% of all cameras and lenses are sharper than 99% of all photographers."
>                                           ~ Anonymous
> --
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