Yeah, but that all sounds like a lot more work than occasionally grumbling about why won't they follow through on their threat to drop me from their email list if I don't respond.

I guess maybe "validate" is the wrong word. The emails are sort of the "This is the last email you will receive from us unless you respond immediately" variety.

That's why I'm deliberately not responding, including not responding with any kind of "unsubscribe".

I just think it's kind of dumb when I get repeated "last warnings".

From: steve harley
On 2010-05-13 10:43 , John Sessoms wrote:
> I've got several commercial organizations that continually send me
> email, which I don't try to "unsubcribe" because I think it just
> validated the email address for them.

in these cases, they got your email address from you, so it has already been "validated" and a second validation is probably harmless to your privacy

to unsubscribe to these, i do the following:

1) verify they are sending from their servers, or through a service that is nominally legit (one of several "opt-in" bulk email providers that i have come to recognize)

2) use the unsubscribe link, then save a pdf of the page that says i've unsubscribed to a receipts folder

3) move the email to an "unsubscribe-requested" mailbox

if i get a subsequent email from them, i research to find a phone number at the organization, call them, and politely state the date that i requested removal from their email list, the fact that i've just gotten another email, and request that they manually take care of it; this has always worked

i have other strategies for some other types of not-quite-spam behavior; some types of email impell me to just make a call without attempting to use the unsubscribe; generally i get a startled but responsive person at the other end, and the email stops

in the case of email addresses that have clearly leaked to spammers from what should have been a private database, i attempt to alert the org to which i gave that address; i get all kinds of reactions from attempts to explain to me that i can't possibly be sure they are the source, to outright denials that a leak of my email address could have occurred (the worst of this type were Backpacker Magazine and software developer Enfocus); some, however are helpful and will even admit that a security breach has taken place

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