> http://photos.stanhalpin.com/p155717848/e36377212
> You may also view this image in my blog which I am slowly 
> beginning to populate. As an added bonus, on the blog site 
> you get to read my wine soaked ruminations. (But aren't all 
> ruminations soaked in rum, by definition? Oh well.)
> http://smhalpin.posterous.com/

I hope you can use the time to travel more. I have a few years to go, but
I'm looking forward to it as an opportunity. My brother-in-law retired
earlier this year after a very successful career and he and my sister
immediately embarked on a long holiday in the Far East followed by a long,
slow boat home calling at all sorts of exotic places. They're now planning
their next tour.

I know you've already seen much of the world in your capacity as Felix
Leiter, but I've always felt rather sorry that young Americans (& Canadians)
don't get to travel the world in the same way as the Aussies, Nzers,
Safricans and to a lesser extent British. One sees and meets quite a few
retired Americans who are at last seeing the world and when I've asked them
about this phenomenon they explain that the young feel under too much
pressure to get their careers started and once started they have such short
holidays that it's impossible.

Even the people on military bases don't seem to be able to get out of the
base very much.

Nice atmospheric picture, by the way. It reminds me of a comment between a
couple of young Aussie travellers I heard in Greenwich once: "Jeez,I can't
wait to get back home. If I have to look at another old building I think
I'll spew". Travel broadens the mind.


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