Great frauds from tiny increments grow. The fact that you, or for that matter, I personally wouldn't notice the relatively small increase in the cost of an automobile. Howmany gigantic boondoggles do we put up with because it doesn't cost much money us individually?

On 5/31/2010 1:05 PM, Tom C wrote:
I personally believe:

1) A society has the responsibility to look out for the safety,
health, and education of all it's citizens.
2) To that end, every individual is taxed to provide that, for the
greater good of all.
3) Deaths of children left in cars is tragic in every case.
4) Statistically, and number-wise, there are far greater issues that
deserve our attention, causing far greater loss of human life, than
this one.
5) Would it hurt me to pay extra for cars with sensors? No, I doubt
I'd notice, and would not complain about doing so, but I think this
issue is a molehill compared to some mountains.

Tom C.

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 12:49 PM, John Francis<>  wrote:
On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 01:05:54PM +0200, eckinator wrote:
2010/5/31 Larry Colen<>:
I believe that hospitals call it "triage".
field hospitals, yes. the only war this issue is possibly facing is a
flame war. doug, can you implement post/thread triage on the list?
Actually, the thread is doing surprisingly well.  Apart from a few
unfortunate uses of terms like "idiot" or "bullshit", the discussion
has mostly been conducted using mostly well-reasoned arguments.

That said, this is one of those issues (like religion, or politics)
where it is extremely unlikely that anyone will change their opinion.
As such, I feel it is probably time to let the thread fade away so
we can get back to our discussions of art (or Art) and aperture

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