Hello Mr Brewer,
I would subscribe to a PayPal request and click a PayPal Button to help your activities within the PDML List.
Gaetan Beauchamp

Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 11:26:43 -0500
From: Paul Sorenson <allarou...@earthlink.net>
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <pdml@pdml.net>
Subject: Re: The State of The List
Message-ID: <4c13b543.8050...@earthlink.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Doug -

What kind of operating costs are we looking at?  There should be no
reason that we can't all contribute either through a "Donate" button or
directly to you in order to keep the costs off your back.

At least until you get back on your feet and can foot the bill entirely
by yourself again. * :-D ;-) :-) <---<---<------*


On 6/12/2010 10:59 AM, Doug Brewer wrote:
As most of you know, I am soon to celebrate one year since I got laid
off from my less-than-lucrative but still gainful employment.
Returning to school has been fun, and I've shot a few gigs here and
there, but the blow to my income has been catastrophic.

I could type for a while on this subject, but I'll skip that and just
say that the PDML account is pretty much toast. My K20 is going on
ebay sometime this weekend to get some more operating funds for a
while, but I'm running out of things to sell and still stay in the
photo game.

Understand how sad and awkward this is for me; I've considered my
underwriting the PDML my main contribution to the community, and a
point of pride. Those of you who have met me know that neither pride
nor dignity play a big part in my life, so you can imagine how
important that particular point is.

I've considered a number of scenarios, from a community print sale to
raise funds, to just handing it over to someone who can afford to keep
it going, to joining the 21st century and going to a web-based thing,
but that would still have to take into consideration the bandwidth
costs, which are the bulk of the out-go.

I love The List, though, and I want to remain somewhat relevant. So
I'm going to add, assuming I get permission from our hosting company,
a paypal donate button to the pdml.net home page. This way I can avoid
a straight out begging posture but still give you all the opportunity
to take part in the continued life of this, the premier Pentax-related
source on the Net.

If any of you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me or
just throw something out for everyone to discuss.

Thank you,

Doug Brewer
PDML List Guy

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