As long as it's not about a controversial figure or subject it's usually pretty good.

On 6/14/2010 5:54 PM, Bob Sullivan wrote:
Bob W&  Ecke,
You know Wikipedia is just story telling, not authoritatively factual.
Regards.  Bob S.

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 2:35 PM, eckinator<>  wrote:
2010/6/14 Ralf R. Radermacher<>:
Bob W<>  wrote:

Neanderthal is the Neander Valley. 'Neander' is an
invented word made up by a chap called Neumann which in English is New Man.
Oh really?

Silly old me had always thought that the Neandertal, which
is (quite appropriately) located near Dusseldorf, had its name from the
river Neander flowing through it.
Bob is apparently right:
I do wonder though if Joachim was the first ever Neumann to call himself Neander

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