From: "Bob W"
During my holiday in France I took a number of pictures with a view to
stitching them into panoramas, it being a big country over there. Here's my
first attempt at one, using Hugin. It shows the Causse Mejan towering over
Florac, the village I stayed in.
The village is at the crossroads of several rivers: the Tarn, Tarnon,
Mimente, Pecher, possibly others - there are a lot of them! A 'causse' is a
limestone plateau, like The Lost World. There are several causses separated
by deep gorges such as the Gorge du Tarn. Florac is at about 500m altitude.
The Causse Mejan ranges from about 800m to 1240m at it's highest peak. What
you see here goes up to about 1000m. I can't wait to see the Himalayas!

This is a 3.6 megabyte download:

< >

Florac is a mediaeval village at its heart. What you see here are the modern
bits on the outside. I am still sorting through the rest of the pictures in
LR and will post a gallery in due causse...


I'd go ahead and crop all that black off the bottom and convert it to JPEG so it would load faster.

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