On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 11:33 PM, John Celio <n...@neovenator.com> wrote:
>>> Do credit card companies help with
>>> these sorts of things?
>> If you bought it with a credit card, you might be covered on it by
>> purchase insurance.
> Thanks for the suggestion.  I checked with my credit card company and they
> do cover purchases lost due to damage or theft for up to 90 days, so I was
> able to file claims for the bike and the little computer that was on it.  My
> other stuff was old, but if I can get a replacement bike I'll be happier
> than a hog in slop.  I imagine the paperwork will take a few weeks, but it's
> definitely better than having to start over cold.

You may also want to try contacting someone in the local bike
community - citizens' cycling lobby or advocacy groups, bike
messengers, that sort of thing.  They may know of one or several "hot
shops", fences who are known to take in hot bikes for resale.  Often
when confronted by the real owners they'll give the bike back or
"sell" it to the real owner for next to nothing, so as to make sure
the police aren't contacted.

It may be worth a shot.

Best of luck!  Losing a bike is a horrible thing.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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