John, I opine that you're plain wrong here.

1. On Russian Penta Club, which I happen to be a member of, although I'm in a process of leaving, the introduction of K-7 and more recently K-r and K-5 produced a tremendous amount of correspondence.

2. It seems that Pentax Forums behaves similarly to its Russian counter part. Plenty of talk, lots of messages, etc.

As opposed to these two communities which I visit from time to time, PDML seems to have become more relaxed towards such announcements. I think it is for the better.

In my subjective, biased and ill-informed opinion, before K-7 was introduced, there was a lot of things happening on the net that I couldn't explain (*). As a result, e.g. Russian Penta Club became somewhat more indoctrinated and polarized about all things Pentax. PDML, however keeps itself immune to this silliness. As such, PDML is very diverse with some more prominent members using more than one system or sometimes not using any Pentax gear at all. Thus, I think, PDML takes new announcements of Pentax cameras on the stride, walking swiftly by them.

But PDML is relatively small and it is also not the only Pentax community out there.


(*) Conspiracy theorists may say "aye" :-).

On 10/2/2010 12:00 AM, John Celio wrote:
I noticed something recently: there is not *nearly* as much discussion
of new Pentax cameras as there was just a few years ago here.  I
remember threads going for weeks when new products were announced, but
that seems to have been reduced to days or even hours sometimes.  It got
me wondering:

Are we generally happy enough with current cameras that new models
aren't worth getting excited about?  Has the dSLR market reached a point
where new models are pretty much more of the same, with few real
innovations appearing with each new model, and thus don't warrant much

Or are we all just holding our tongues until Pentax comes out with with
either a 35mm-sensor'd or mirrorless body?  These two camera categories
seem to elicit the greatest response these days, even though we're
invariably talking about other brands and wishing out loud.

Just some things I've been wondering about.



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