Le 08/12/10 15:44, Ann Sanfedele a écrit :
Madame RD wrote:

it's been snowing for some time and I shot from my window ... I like the unusual frame but you might not .... http://www.flickr.com/photos/la_meduse/5243352309/#/photos/la_meduse/5243352309/lightbox/


I _kinda_ like it.... looks like you shot from a (moving?) seat of a car... or a bus hmmm but I like the shot overall , more intersting than the other snow shots... Did you look at it at all cropped a bit ? I think I might have cropped a sliver off the top and enough off the left side and bottom to have the edges of the frame sharp... the elements in the photo are nice.

and I realllly like this shot of clouds (extra "l's intentional)


thanks ...that's the view from my window. I don't know how I managed to get such a frame . my window is the usual Paris window (narrow bith square panes ) and there was a piece of furniture in the way so I had to bend forward in an awkard position.. I usually straighten the pics or crop but I didn't this time . I liked its weird quality .

I'm very glad you enjoyed the clouds . they are one of my pet topics and I really enjoyed myself while in the Alps ; they had the most extraordinary colours .

dominique in Paris with 10cm snow on the streets ... total panic ! lol

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