I have the same issue with the images coming out pretty dark, but I always just assumed that had more to do with the brightness of the LCD. I turn that down as far as I can to give me a reasonable expectation of what my shot's going to look like, though it's still considerably brighter than the images are out-of-camera.

As for the auto-focus issue, I've always used spot focusing in AF-S, and then recompose once I get the focus indicator. It is tough to get used to if you've ever used one with focus indicators, but fortunately, I'd only used one camera for a very brief period of time that had them -- a friend's Canon Digital Rebel.

As for camera shake, I gather that is a bit of a problem for some K-x users, but I've always just compensated in crappy conditions by shooting in shutter priority at around 1/8 second or faster and put it in ISO-auto mode, which seems to do the trick for me.

Then, tell her to get ready to pull her hair out when she starts using any manual primes. :-)

It did take me a while to get used to the camera, but I do love it. My only beef with it is the over-brightness of that LCD now.

Best of luck!


On 12/19/2010 11:38 AM, Bruce Walker wrote:
This sounds like Larry's P&S situation, but with a twist. I was at a family gathering yesterday when my young niece handed me her newly acquired K-x (my recommendation, btw) and asked sweetly why her shots were so dark. I have a K100Ds and a K20D, both of which I'm pretty familiar with, but I wasn't prepared for the K-x at all.

I managed to undo negative exposure comp -- I think! -- and I cranked up the ISO since she had only the 18-55 kit lens. That helped, but I bet she was getting some serious shake in those shots under the usual indoor crappy incandescent lights. I loaned her my spare 540FGZ flash and she had a great time with that.

But here's a question for the K-x owners: with no viewfinder focus confirmation points how on earth do you figure out what the thing auto-focused on? I was trying to verify that I had altered the settings properly and I felt so useless staring though the viewfinder and getting no feedback at all. It seems like such a P&S interface, and I mean that in the most pejorative possible way.

Oh, and what's with the "image cannot be displayed" BS? While reviewing images, every so often we'd get that message over a black screen. She had no clue and I was no better off. Has the K-x decided the image wasn't up to HCB standards and censored it?


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