On 2/13/2011 6:52 PM, William Robb wrote:
A lot of idiots doesn't equal all idiots Boris.
There are shades of grey in between black and white, you know.
On an idiot scale of 1-10 where 1 is not an idiot at all and 10 is
Cotty, you would be a 1.00003.
Of course on that scale, I would probably be somewhere around

Thanks for the compliment. Fortunately I am not complete un-idiot /grin/... Or is it in-idiot?! Well, you see what I mean anyway.

I told a poster named Rupert who acts like a moron and who was hijacking
every thread referencing the K5 that he was acting like a moron who was
hijacking every thread on the K5.
It's not my fault that:
A) He acts like a moron.
B) He was hijacking every thread that referenced the K5.

I can see at least one or two faults in your behavior here, but it is mostly not the faults as they are or as they were, but in fact the difference between your personality and mine.

Sadly, the little girly boys that make up the moderation team decided
that I had crossed the line, deleted by post and banned me, thereby
siding with a useless troll.

I suppose you did not try to argue with the moderators.

So it goes, Pentax Forums went from being so-so useful and entertaining
to being as useless as what I fed my dog two days ago because of the
excessive noise generated by a few trolls.

Like any forum, it is as good as your ability to search for useful info therein and the underlying technology they are using to help you do so. I should say that as a forum software, theirs is square on top of my list - most convenient and useful. Obviously, the good of the car has no implication on that of the driver therein.

What the hell, it's only the internet.

Very recently a teenage boy here took his life because of something unruly that his Facebook friends were telling him. So, sir William (and I mean that as a respectful address), it is not "only the internet". At least not always.

I take it, it might be better taken off list from this point, between you and me, if so you desire.


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