On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Fred wrote:

> > Okay, here's what I am trying to say: the 67 has a reputation for
> > being overly heavy and not hand-holdable.  [snip]  That is what I
> > am trying to say.  [snip]  I am trying to make the point that it
> > is a portable, convenient size.
> OK, Aaron, I guess I'll try to understand that concept (even though
> I'm not rushing out to buy a 6x7).  ;-)  However, as beautiful a
> camera body the 6x7 may be to some, it still is far larger in every
> physical characteristic than most people would ever want or need.

True.  But then there's the flip side.  I've heard a lot of scary things
about the size and weight of MedF, and the RB67's and 'blads we've had
come through Don's have only reinforced that.  It wasn't until we got some
Pentax 67's before that I realized that the P67 was a lot lighter than I
expected it to be.  Now I use it as my take-to-parties camera.  :)  Of
course not everyone would do that, but at least they might be curious
enough to pick one up sometime to see for themselves, instead of being
intimidated into never making the effort.

> I'm glad that you medium format guys are finding some "brotherhood" on
> the PDML - I imagine that some of you may get tired of wading through
> all the 35mm stuff to get to what seems relevant to a 6x7 (or a 645).

I think most of us also shoot Pentax 35mm, so I don't really see it as a
'division' of any sort between the MedF and 35mm people.  Think of it as
'enabling'... on a grand scale!

> However, there is no need for any of the "small format bashing" that's
> been going on.

Can 35mm users refrain from bashing 110, disc, or APS film?  ;)

Seriously, I still use my LX, and I still like 35mm for a lot of things,
but my 67 has been a lot of fun, and I'm hoping to share that with
everyone.  Much like the LX wink... if ya got it, flaunt it.  ;)

(Even more seriously... I work in a camera store.  I'm around cameras all
the time.  I'm impressed by photos, not by equipment.)

Brother Chris, P67B
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