From: Bob Sullivan

Thanks for noticing.  Yes the fog/lake are illuminated by sunrise + some miutes.
Stay strong with the therapy.  What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
Regards,  Bob S.

I certainly hope so. I'm about a third of the way through radiation. Doesn't seem to bother me that much, other than I am more tired than usual.

But that may also be an effect of not getting adequate exercise. The combination of therapy & internship don't leave any time to get out into the woods and wander around. I graduate at the end of July. I'm packing a ruck, stuffing all my equipment in my car and going somewhere outdoors for at least a week.

My internship mostly consists of trying to photograph babies through two year olds. That and acting as "baby wrangler" for the other photographers. For someone who never had children of of his own, I'm having surprising success interacting with them. Four weeks in with no "accidents" and I haven't dropped one yet.

Nor am I having any problems getting down on their level to photograph them ... although getting back up is a different matter sometimes. 8-D

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