Why not?


On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 5:58 AM, Miserere <miser...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...or maybe not. It depends on you guys/gals.
> First off: If everyone hates the idea, I'll delete the damn thing and
> never mention it again.
> Now that that's out of the way, here are my reasons for creating it:
> 1) It didn't exist and the Pathetic Diffuser of Mediocre Light would
> end up using "PDML" for their strobist-themed Flickr group. We
> shouldn't let that happen.
> 2) Many of us have Flickr accounts where PESOs are hung; I thought it
> would be nice to have them all in one group so the lazier amongst us
> could go to one spot every now and then to peruse the latest PESOs (or
> at least the subset posted by PDML Flickr users). I understand that
> this might mean the discussion of a particular photograph moves from
> the PDML to Flickr, but maybe that's not a bad thing.
> 3) It'll be much easier for Larry to share photos of pretty tango dancers.
> 4) After following Christine A's thread about project collaboration I
> got the impression some people would like to have a place to show
> images and discuss the project(s) they're participating in. I've
> enabled discussions so members can start threads; at the moment they
> are publicly visible, but they can be made for-member's-eyes-only if
> the hive-mind thinks it's better to keep them private.
> Let me know if you consider the idea of a PDML Flickr Group
> sacrilegious. Likewise, please let me know if you think it's a
> smashing idea and oh-my-god why hadn't I thought of it.
> http://www.flickr.com/groups/pdml
> Membership is by invitation only, so that we ensure only PDML members
> join it. Post your Flickr username and I'll send you an invite.
> At the moment I am Lord and King of the group, but the duties could be
> shared out should the hive-mind think it appropriate.
> Cheers,
>    —M.
>     \/\/o/\/\ --> http://WorldOfMiserere.com
>     http://EnticingTheLight.com
>     A Quest for Photographic Enlightenment
> --
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